
The artist Gunter Demnig then in 1996 still illegally holds up today 51 stumbling blocks into pavement Oranienburgerstrasse. With them he wanted to commemorate the victims of that time living there Holocost. Each stone is 10x10 cm and fitted with polished brass with the victim's name, concentration camps, year of birth and date of death.
During the tour are still several issues that deal with the Jewish life started (district Spandauer Vorstadt - synagogue, etc.). Our tour lasts four hours. The day and time of the guide can be adjusted individually.
Exclusion, disenfranchisement, expulsion, deportation
With the handover of power by the Nazis, the life of the Jewish population changed dramatically. With the emergency decree after the Reichstag fire, the Ermächtigungsgestz, and the Aryan paragraph exacerbated the NSDAP the political situation. Many Jews left because of the call for a boycott of their businesses, the country, first concentration camp near Berlin were built. Prohibition for non-Aryans, the right to further pursue a trade, the abolition of freedom of the press and the book burning in the square in front of the old library (Bebelplatz) marginalized the opposition to the Nazi party.
Our tour lasts 5 hours and includes a visit to the Topography of horror with one leads, others the Reichstag, synagogue, and Bebelplatz.
Berlin was in 3.Reich not only the seat of national government. In Berlin were the leaders of the administration, judiciary and armed forces, SS and secret police, and made the capital into a murderous center of power and tyranny. The disenfranchisement produced courage and defiance and there was resistance to the reign of terror. The tour takes you to breastfeed and also great places of memory and impressions of the most stunning chapter of the history of Berlin.
Our tour takes 5 hours by public transport, with optional limousine / bus and feeds them etc. for Bendlerblock / Memorial of the German Resistance, Wilhelmstrasse - Reich Chancellery and ministries, Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, Hitler's bunker, the Topography of Terror, Grosse Hamburger Strasse, The Missing House, Weidt - Workshop for the Blind, the Anne Frank Center, pitfalls, New synagogue, Rose street, New Guard, Bebelplatz, Bernhard Lichtenberg's Chapel in the St. Hedwig's Church, Holocaust Memorial monument.
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